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I am an assistant professor of agricultural economics in the Department of Agricultural Sciences and Sandhill Research and Education Center at Clemson University. My current research focuses on agribusiness and economics related to specialty crops. My past and current research projects include identifying consumer preferences, exploring marketing opportunities, and addressing technology adoption challenges for specialty crop producers. Meanwhile, I have also engage in outreach efforts. In this capacity, I develop economic decision support tools and assess the economic viability of agricultural production innovations. Through this work, I aim to provide actionable insights to enhance the sustainability and profitability of specialty crop production systems. [Download my CV]
Ph.D. in Food and Resource Economics, 2023
University of Florida
M.S. in Agricultural Economics, 2018
University of Arkansas
B.S. in Economics and Finance, 2013
South China University of Technology
B.S. in Public Administration, 2013
South China University of Technology